Private Sellers
  Spend enough time in the HO rail modeling hobby and you will soon learn that there is a huge market for buying and selling model railroad equipment and supplies among individuals. This page points you to folks who are looking to sell and would like a more or less permanent presence where prospective buyers can easily locate them.

Feel free to email me with such information about you and what you are offering as you would like to see here. At a very minimum, this should include a few lines about what kinds of things you have for sale, and an email address where buyers may contact you. But you can do more, if you wish. For example, if you always have something going on at your own web site or an ecommerce venue like Bonanza or eCrater or even eBay, then give me some pictures of typical product and the link to your listings or your email address. Although this site emphasizes HO scale, I'll gladly list for other scales, as well.

Please note that we offer no way for an actual purchase transaction between private buyers and sellers to be done here - that's between  the buyer and seller. We're just making "introductions." To list YOUR inventory, contact me at



Brief Synopsis
  Bookbin This seller is possessed of a substantial collection of model railroading magazines and books, which are so weighty and numerous as to be stored in liquor boxes. Model Railroader, Railfan, Railroad Model Craftsman, Kalmbach project and how-to books. All, spanning many years and vast subject matter. Truly, the "stuff you need out there." Click the link, then contact her for particulars.
  Gerry Seigel When a fine scale builder sells off his own layout to focus on production of original models, you KNOW you are in for a real opportunity. Ever see a movie that used convincing models to dramatize a real life scene? That's what Gerry did. Click the link and see for yourself!

K4 Supply Co.

A former eBay seller of impeccable reputation and utterly dedicated to customer service, Mike is the original "supply guy." Both for trains and many other things, as well. Detail parts, motor parts, power supplies (seems like millions of 'em!), truck frames, hardware, Athearn stuff, Rivarossi stuff, the list goes on and on - over 3,800 items! And this does include complete models. If Mike doesn't have it, NOBODY has it. Click the link to see for yourself.
  The Trainman Twenty-eight, 55 gallon containers full of HO trains and building kits. That's over 1,500 gallons of train stuff. Gallons? When you start measuring your rail inventory in gallons, that means you have a LOT of the stuff! And that's just for starters. Click link for the full story, presented in "Bear's" own inimitable style! Sit back and ENJOY while you read.

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